Monday, June 13, 2011

My most recent Broadway endeavors.

"The right place at the right time"
Somehow this idea never really seemed to apply to me. Recently, however, I have seemed to be extremely lucky, Broadway-wise, in encountering stars. My most recent Broadway endeavor occurred whilst waiting to meet my family to go to Radio City to see Cirque du Soleil, Zarkana, which was great. It's fun to see a circus that actually has an interesting story with live music, not just a bunch of circus acts. Still, nothing beat the incredible set and the amazing theatre. If you get the chance, definitely go see this.

Slight tangent, back to my endeavors.

Radio city is on 50th and 6th so I decided I might as well hang out in the one place I was bound to run in to the Broadway stars within that area. It also just happened to be 6:15pm, roughly when all the performers go out between their matinees and night shows. I went to the Starbucks on 52nd and 8th, half a block from Jersey Boys and Catch Me If You Can. I was just lucky that it was such a hot day and everyone was trying to get inside where there was air conditioning. While on line at Starbucks getting the most refreshing drink I know of, a passion iced tea, none other than Dominic Scaglione Jr. walked in. He was Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys! (Or at least in the production I saw) At first I wasn't sure, but I finally I decided that it was actually him. Still, I have yet to figure out how to pronounce his last name so I was not sure how to approach him. While deliberating, there were these two little girls by the window waving to the people on the outside. For those of you who are New Yorkers, you know that that is something definitely in the ordinary. Of course, only in the place that I was would these little girls wave to Aaron Tveit as he was passing by and then ask "What if we waved to someone famous without realizing it?"

Anyway back to Dominic, the story about Aaron yet to come. I finally decided to just ask him if he by any chance played Fankie Valli in Jersey Boys, which he of course said yes to and we had a short conversation while I told him how wonderful he is. He then asked my name (something that really makes me happy about Broadway stars, it actually makes you feel like they care) and in anticipation of the awkward moments to follow if I were to continue to hang out in that Starbucks, I left.

The moment I stepped outside, a gust of heat hit me, followed by a long minute of lightheadedness and me having to lean against a street sign to actually be able to start breathing again (what can I say? I'm more of a winter girl). Of course standing 10 feet from me is Aaron Tveit talking on the phone, another thing that didn't quite help with the whole lightheaded and breathing thing. I walked across the street planning on heading over to Radio City, but still unable to. I needed water. I went back to the Starbucks to buy myself a water bottle to help me last the longest four block trip I have ever been on and of course, I see Jay Armstrong Johnson and once again Aaron Tveit. After a few long moments of hesitating I decided I'd walk over and say hello after I had gotten some water. Of course when I got to the register the cashier made a big fuss about how I was just in here and if she needed to check my ID. By the time I had bought my water, they were both gone.

Still it was cool to just see them and have the chance to talk to Dominic! Let's hope I continue to be this lucky when it comes to theatre.

Sidenote: I hate to overshadow my Tony's post with this one seeing as that one is a bit more significant. I just thought I'd share this experience.

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